Wednesday, May 6, 2020

2014 - April

April 2014

My wonderful XCentric family and friends .....  I’m sooo sorry I neglected you the past few months!

I ventured into the ‘job market’ and had a splendid typing/office job at a ‘charter plane’ company in Lanseria.  It took me a few weeks to adjust to working hours (Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm), traffic (my gosh, the road through Kya Sands is just hectic!), corporate dressing (no jeans, no flip-flops, no spaghetti tops) and no more free time during the week!!!  I’ve missed my water-aerobics terribly, as well as the coffee afterwards and my usual Wednesday knitting gossip/coffee group!

But like a good trouper (trouperette?), I survived!  I drew up an Excel sheet and every day I typed in exactly what I wore .. pants/skirt, what top/blouse/jacket, what earrings, brooch, etc.  It was actually quite fun!!!     The first few weeks I was just pooped!  Luckily hubby Hein was home early the afternoons, so he made dinner.  I didn’t have energy for knitting at all!  And over the weekends we cleaned the house, ironed and I helped Hein in the garden.  I blessed our stars for a ‘not-so-hectic-social-life’, cause I just needed to chill over the weekends.  My contract at the charter company is finished, but I’m still going to be busy with other temp jobs.   

So I hope you have not been too disMAYed with me and sent out a few MAYdays.   MAY I introduce my new issue ... this MAYbe an ingredient you all have in your cupboards and fridge.

I introduce .. in the month of MAY, recipes using MAYONNAISE!!!!!
Okay, okay, don’t crucify me yet!!!  I know you’re going to say, mayo is unhealthy ... its full of preservatives, ya-de-ya-de-yaaaa!  BUT BUT I found an absolutely delight alternative way to make mayo ...  my 1st recipe of the issue is just that.

Although the rest of my mayo recipes used shop-bought mayonnaise, substitute them with the 1st ‘alternative’ mayonnaise recipe.  It will work perfectly!!!!

Mayonnaise without eggs and fat

375 g fat free Bulgarian / Greek yogurt
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp brown vinegar
1 tsp mixed dried herbs
Salt and pepper to taste
Sugar / sweetener to taste

Whisk everything well together.  Keep in fridge for 5 days.

Use as a dipping sauce or just as mayo.

Everyone knows by now that I try to inspire with ingredients that normally will gather dust in the fridge/cupboard.  Or ingredients, such as mayonnaise, that are usually only used in potato salad.

You will really really like these recipes – I’m sure everyone has heard about the chocolate mayonnaise cake – well, I didn’t include that recipe.  BUT I did include a citrus cake recipe AND COOKIE recipes using mayonnaise!

Please use up your mayonnaise – and send me your feedback and/or pictures.  Always lovely to hear from you.

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