Wednesday, May 6, 2020

2015 - October - Dates, Halloween

2015 October 30

Why did the raisin go to the dance with the prune?
‘Cause he couldn’t get a DATE

What school subject is the fruitiest?
History ... ‘cause its full of DATES

You’ve guessed it!  We’re doing DATES.  I just felt that dates can be a little ‘left out’ ... so I tried out these amazing recipes and of course, they are all flourless and yes, mostly for after dinner.

In Joburg, this time of year is just magic!!  Waking up at 4h30 in the morning, you hear all the birds in the garden.  Pulling on our gym clothes, we sweat for at least 20 minutes, mostly an hour ... then have coffee on the lawn.  Crisp air, birds dancing in the sky ....   

If you’re celebrating Halloween on Saturday, have a look on my website under previous issues ( - 2009 Issue 8) for lovely Halloween food ideas.

This morning I swear we’ve had the shortest showers ever ...  our geyser decided after probably 20 years, he’s just had it.  So we had to shower in cold water.  But at least we had water. 

Are you easily grossed out ... don’t read this paragraph.  I must have told you about Pizza del Forno (our local pizza joint) that has a Nutella Oreo Dessert Pizza.  Its a baked pizza base, spread with Nutella, sprinkled with crushed Oreos.  The first time I ordered a side order with bacon with it.  It was delightful!  Even Hein liked it.  This time???  I ordered a side order of anchovies.  Oh my word!!!!!  The combination was just unbelievably good ... for me.  Hein felt I deserved the whole pizza, he’ll give the ‘taste test’ a miss. 

Our female cats are now 12 years old and their personalities are just too precious.  My cat, Minx, decided this week her new spot in the lounge is on the coffee table.  There’s a scatter cushion that Hein uses to rest his feet on.  While Hein’s feet is on the cushion, Minx will walk up to the cushion and somehow nudges Hein’s feet and curls up on the cushion.  When Minx stood up yesterday, Hein’s feet found their way quickly back onto the cushion ... well.  Minx stopped and looked over her shoulder ... as if to say:  really dad?  Heehee.

Hein packed his bag for Cape Town - Minx decided she'll go with him.

Hein’s cat Sammy is still our fetch girl.  As soon as we relax on the lawn with morning coffee, Sammy gives these ‘weird’ sounds ... and we know ... she’s got either her little stuffed Smurf, her little stuffed seal or maybe one of our socks that we’ve left on the floor.  You have to throw her ‘toy’, she runs full speed after it and brings it back.  And no, you cannot stop with just one throw.  Nu-uh, doesn’t work like that.  :)

Here Sammy is on the bed with one of her toys, a Smurf.
Do you like Burgers and the Spur?  Do not miss their Monday Burger Special.  Buy one burger, get one free.  Monday we ordered the Rib Burger (R69).  

You have 2 pieces of deboned rib on your fresh bun, yummy onion rings and a choice of chips / baked potato / veg / salad.  I had the chips (with their pink Salad Sauce) and Hein the (huge) baked potato with sour cream and butter.  I really really enjoyed the burger!!!! It was really delicious!!!!!

If you’re in Gauteng and know what Krispy Creme doughnuts (from overseas) are ... 
a branch is opening on 25 November in Rosebank Mall.  Other branches will follow soon. 
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts set to open first store in the north - The ...
Thanks for all your emails and updates ... I really love to read all your news.

Have a fantastic November!

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